It's June - the time for strawberry-picking. And so last weekend our children went apicking. But no, not at a farm. Just from our backyard! Way back in March I bought 4 small pots of strawberry plants for each of my children, since Abang Z and H are keen gardeners. They transfered it into the patch in the backyard and by last weekend, we managed to have a handful of strawberries. Yet, somehow, it ripened a day after I prepared Tiramisu for a visitor. Still, on Sunday, I managed to decorate Mr D's
Father's Day Rainbow Cake with them.

Okay, so I may have misled you by making you think we managed to pick a few basketfuls of those
sexual strawberries. Well, that wasn't really the end of it. Our first friends in Coventry invited us over on Sunday - for a barbeque in their beautiful garden filled with roses, foxgloves, primroses, daisies, and God knows what else were the name of those flowers!!! There was a fish pond, a few
strawberry patches, herbs (basil, parsley, to name a few), budding fruit trees - conference pears and apples, and much more attractive plants. In a glass bottle, there were even 2 frogs croaking at us!
We went with only a container filled with some chicken curry rolls but returned with hands full of bags - 2 pots of
Polygonum odoratum Lour (pokok daun kesum), a basketful of strawberry plants and another filled with picked
strawberries. Thank you, dear F family, and may your good gestures be repaid. We had a grrrreeeaaattt time in your gorgeous English garden, feasting on chicken and lamb satay and barbequed ribs.
Ummmpph. Life is indeed more meaningful when shared with wonderful people.
Let's see... what shall we have now:
strawberries dipped in chocolate,
strawberry shortcake,
strawberry shake,
strawberry smoothie,
strawberry muffins,
strawberry cheesecake or just simple
strawberry jam?
Hey, wait a minute, where have all of them gone?
D...:) strawberry picking in ur own backyard...! Now that says a lot...
- u r rajin one, to tanam2!
- U so rajin to jaga2 what u tanam2....*strawberry can be so manja2 one....*
- U hv green fingers one...bcoz even if they grow not all want to bear fruit one...
- ur love fruits right from ur own backyard! ah...that is another subject...hehehehhe
enjoy ur summer D!
wow wow!!!
agak2 tanam kat Penang, buleh tumbuh dak???
I didn't plant them - my twins did, and they were the ones who looked after them. When it started to bear young green berries, Abang H asked whether the strawberries would taste nice. I told them we'd have to see because sometimes strawberries are sweet, sometimes a bit sour. Mr D said, "kalau nak manis tabur gula la.." The next thing you know, they were in the kitchen after my jar of sugar - to be sprinkled on the strawberry patch!!!
13 may,
eh, orang kat Mesia pun dah mula tanam anggur kan? HeHe... Kat Cameron Highlands buleh ler, so maybe hang kena pergi naik Bukit Bendera kot! LOL! Alah, susah-susah, beli tiket datang sini je. Ada students m'sia dari middle east datang UK masa summer nak kerja kutip buah je tau!
wah look so nyummmmyyyy...
Hi D,
Alah cute nya your twins tanam strawberries. Best nya. The photos look so yummy. Now I wanna strawberries..ha ha.
I tink if I get to plant a few pots, tak sempat ada strawberry picking day.
Hello D, read your strawberry post make me want to eat some, then tengok your beautiful pics, alamak, make me drool for strawberry ice cream.
Yes, its the season here too, and its fun to see young kids plucking them. Wonder what they going to do with the big baskets full. Buat kueh strawberry?
Have a nice day, D. UL.
ps, last I was in Coventry gardens in 1963!
yummy yummy in the tummy...Indeed they were!
er, if you're lucky, they might have them in the supermarkets, eh? surely you had fond memories of strawberry picking too, no?
minah celoteh,
According to Mr F's wife (of the F family), masa mula-mula tanam strawberries dulu, he didn't let anyone pick those cute little berries as they looked 'perfect'! LOL
that was a loooong time ago. so, when are you coming back here to stroll down memory lane? *grin* Kids were just fussing over things to do with strawberries, so we ended with some smoothies and shakes.
it's so nice to have a wonderful backyard.. mine is full of bushes and tall grasses.. suitable for your kids to play 'Rambo'. hahaha..
man.. those strawberry stuff sounds so yummyy... but I'm a cherry lover.. tak sabar nak tunggu kedai jual..
Hujan emas di negeri orang
Hujan batu di negeri sendiri
Lebih baik hujan strawberry segala di England!! (coz got fresh cream mah..)
seronoknya tgk your strawberries. they're so attractively red and inviting.. hehehhe
Well done to both abang-s. Tell them They have naturally little green fingers .. hehe
play 'Rambo'? Any possibilities of hedgehogs in the grass? They spotted one a few days ago and have since then been stalking and waiting for it to come back (kononnya nak simpan buat pet la..)
hujan strawberry segala? HaHaHa.. You're funny!
hope I didn't deceive you into thinking that the picts are mine - all taken off the net. Green fingers? Must've gotten them from their grandad.
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