Last Saturday we had a small do for our Princess. Only invited 3 families over. It was mainly just a children's affair - the food prepared with the children in mind. HeHe... Made a chocolate cake with pink cream topping, pink strawberry cupcakes, tuna sandwiches, trifle, bread n butter pudding, mini pizzas (Mr D's) and lontong + peanut sauce. For drinks, we had home-made strawberry flavoured 'sirap bandung'. I rushed through with the cupcake icing at the last minute, hence the deco was pure scribbles! Scribbles or not, those seemed the hit of the day with the kids. I promise I'd be more artistic next time around.
The idea was to have the adults over but to organise games for the kids. My children's idea of a birthday party is games and more games. However, as usual, when people come around, things get out of hand as I have to control everything. Hence, we only managed to play two games before it began to drizzle. 
Thank you mamasarah for helping out with my preparation - always very resourceful! Thank you to all the guests who made the day more memorable for us.
Happy belated birthday Princess!
Wah..Mr D is quite handy in the kitchen ye...he really made the pizzas?
yup.. i didn't ask for any favours. He just sort of had the urge to make them mini pizzas!
Happy belated besday to our Princess! Semoga jadi anak yang solehah, cemerlang & terbilang! (semangat Malaysia tuh)
Sejuk perut ibu yg mengandung kan..
thank you Aunty Rad, InsyaAllah itulah dua kami...
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