Anyway, when we perform our solat jemaah, he often finishes first and is gone once we give our salam. Mr D decided that he has to be more responsible and be taught a little bit of discipline. So, he warned the little one that he had to stay with us till everyone's finished.
"We start together, so we have to finish together too," Mr D told him sternly.
However, on Friday, he tried very hard to perform the jemaah prayers with us that he wouldn't stop to go to the loo. He wet himself on the praying mat. Oh dear...
Last night, it was the Isya' prayers. He was too tired and sleepy that when all were still standing, he just plonked down into the 'sujud' position - fast asleep till we all finished.
So can you all now see how he's just the baby in the house? So adorable and innocent.
The most noble one equipped with religious wisdom....:)
Ada gaya in the future,perhaps..?
Anyway, my son also had an 'accident' on the praying mat too a few months ago because he wanted to finish his solat with us. Never mind the fact that he was giggling and laughing with his brother in between the rakaats!
itulah gaya the one equipped with religious wisdom, InsyaAllah...
The future mufti perhaps? ;)
auw.. comelnyer... this entry brought back memories to a few funny incidents during prayers.. :)
memang he's so cute and innocent. Chomel!!!! by the way, since i'm new here, how old is he?
BAMZ107(ish, macam nombor keta lama je nik!),
Why not, if it's his destiny, InsyaAllah...
care to share?
he's 4+. 5 in November, InsyaAllah.
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