Thursday, April 30, 2009

Look at what came through the post today!

I received my birthday present through the mail today and what more could be better than a book by the author herself? It is a book written by my dear fellow blogger: Raden Galoh of

The demise of my husband had drawn us to one another: she as a breast cancer survivor while I as one who had lost her husband to oesophageal cancer.

I immediately texted her to convey my gratitudes and then quickly slumped myself on the sofa, flicking over the pages.

In no time, tears were streaking my cheeks as I read her words which brought vivid scenes in my mind. It was not as if I had not already known her story; I have read them in her blog. Furthermore, she had revealed some of them to me during our personal encounters, especially when I brought her to meet my sister, Kak Long.

I am proud of this very strong and optimistic lady who has taken all the physical and emotional pain she has been tested with to bring herself closer to the Almighty. I suspect that she has probably experienced more significant events in her life for the past 5 years than the many years she had before the diagnose.

I pray the best for her and her family while they all go through this ordeal, or as I prefer to call it, rahmah. May Allah reward her jannah for her patience and tolerance of it all!


Kak Teh said...

D, I knew about this present long before it arrived in the post. I had actually requested Raden Galoh to send two copies to me, through a friend. One was supposed to be for you - a surprise. But Raden was one step ahead and said, she had already posted to you a birthday copy. She beat me to it...Oh well - it is best coming from the writer herself, kan?

I will get my copy on Friday.Insyaallah.

Anonymous said...

Jazakallaahu khairan all I can say when I read this entry.

this silaturrahiim that connects us is the blessing that cancer has brought into my life. If I can't see it with my heart, I just don't know what I would call myself... Allah is truly the most merciful.

Hmm... do you like the card? I know you like green and the button has meaning sis... Try think what could it mean? Hahaha...

take care and we are indeed blessed dear.

dudae_simboyo said...


hey, i must get that book from her too. must ask her how come i don't know about her book....


Whitney Decker said...

Great blogg you have here