Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Some emotions haunt me like the waves beating the oceans. They come so furiously and they leave ever so quietly. At moments, I try to inject positivism by casting dark pieces into the wild sea. Only faith in Him, the most merciful, the most gracious, will keep me dissuaded and calm.

When the night releases its dark drapes, it often wraps me up with a sense of serenity and tranquility. This is the time for me to pause and reflect on all the rahmah and nikmah He has gifted me with, and all the trials He sets out to test me with. On the praying mat I humble myself and surrender to Him. Small insightful daily incidents of today and yesterday remind me to stand firmly on my feet, balanced and focused.

At times, even the wonderful foursome who keeps me breathless and panting most of the time get on my nerves. Yet, I try to extinguish the blaring flames of hormones belonging to a woman in her mid-thirties. It's a tough call but it has to be done, single-handedly or not.

Meanwhile, let the waves keep on cleaning the shores. I will pick the treasures left along the coasts, and I will thank Him for these little treasures.

Let me walk on the coastline towards my destination for I will get there soon. Indeed, InsyaAllah soon I will.


Ms B said...

U'll get there honey. U know, often times like these, it's the kids who keeps us move forward.

That;s what the lil one has been doing for me...

ps: do u think this emo thingy is spreading like the swine flu? Coz it seems i'm 'under the weather'.

Anonymous said...

dear D;

when my mom was divorced (cerita lama ni..) the first few years were hard. we (adik-beradik) didnt understand why she get so pissed and ticked easily esp when she returns home from work. maybe the house tunggang terbalik or so but she'd get so annoyed at us whenever we are at our worst antics and sometimes when she scowled at us, she'd break down and that would make us feel so bad and promise to buck up.

little did i know she was feeling a little lonely and overwhelmed with such a tremendous job to raise us singlehandedly. her emotions was bottled up and she didnt have close friends to share her problems with. yeah, her close friends semua menjauhkan diri when my mom holds the dreaded title "D"...


anggerik merah said...

Dear D,

Let the waves passes and you will be fine dear...

Take care

Farawella said...

Assalamualaikum Khadijah,
This is Kak Yam, Syed Dawilah's wife, not sure if u still remember me.. :)
I was wondering if maybe i could have your email add. for further communication, have plans to go to the UK end of May, maybe we could meet up ke? email me @ ienone81@yahoo.com
Thanks Khadijah


Anonymous said...

I really do admire your strength.