Do you ever wonder who reads your blog? Sometimes they make themselves known by leaving a comment but at other times, they just pass through almost without a mark. When you check your visitors, you tend to get a mixture of emotions...
So what's the next step? Do you say hello to the visitor who tiptoed in and out your blog ever so silently? Do you totally ignore the visit? Or do you also secretly hop over to their blogs to learn more about the mysterious blogger?
What comes to your mind when you get newcomers? Where did this person come from? Which blog did he/she hop from? What's in my blog for him/her?
What if you discovered that you shared some common grounds with the silent reader? A person from your hometown, the school/uni you used to go to, the company you used to work in, etc... Would it make a difference? What if the person is of the opposite sex? Interested? Curious again?
I have hopped to many blogs without leaving a mark and I go back because I enjoy the read. Ergo, I never mind any visits from strangers or friends. I may have been a wee bit curious at times, but I'd say, kill the cat before curiosity beats you to it!
For those reading, I thank you for wanting to click on this humble blog. Have you paused and reflected here?
Adoi..jumped here frm Maklang's blog. Tot wanna tip toe out silently but then, ur latest posting is so the very the true..ahaks..so kenalah scribble a note here sikit..
Exactly what runs in my mind....! Tp nak tinggal footprints kat tiap2 blog a bit leceh lah! Wah the floods are really bad, huh! Alhamdulillah you aren't affected!
errrr...I once wrote an entry about Jins. Takuuut! HaHa! Thanks for making yourself more visible - you won't spook me, will you?
dad of four,
Yes, bloggers think alike, don't you think? Re the floods, in a way I think it's worst than the floods back home because there's no sun to help dry up the wreck. Kuasa Allah ta'ala...
hehhe...saya pun suka merayap blog org...:)
i lupa macamana boleh 'melekat' dengan ur blog tapi awal2 tu just baca tanpa tinggalkan komen. takut sebenarnya. tapi lama2 beranikan diri gak.
dan sampai sekarang masih suka jalan2 melawat blog org :)
Yes it makes sense, we feel bad if people came to our house without identify themself. Therefore here I wrote somethin just to make a trace.... hope u dont mind.
I'm glad u bring this up:)I was wondering too checking mine I have few anon visitors too they came..they read and they left without any comment at all.Like you I too would love to know more abt them and maybe they are too shy kot nak tinggalkan jejak???
err...i do that sometimes, reading others' blog without leaving traces. and keep coming back for more. why? just dont want any strings attached meaning if u leave yr trails there people might be obliged to return yr visits and vice versa. which i dont want that to happen. i guess i'm being truthful thats all.
d.... cant remember how I came to your blog.... but you sure got me addicted. hehe.
i havent been blog hopping for quite sometime. Nak kena start balik la.
Hi D, Its nice when someone leaves a note but I guess some just don't know what to say, they just tip toe out.
But I feel thrilled to have made so many blog friends, like you and the many others from around the globe.
I sometimes will kaypoh or sibuk when noticing a nice callsign or name in someone's blog will pop in tengok siapa tu. But many times his or her subject abit too strong for me (I avoid politics especially) I tip toe out.
But I like your postings, light and easy on the eyes as well your beautiful sense of humour.
You have a nice day, D. UL.
sometimes I tinggalkan jejak, but most of the time, just 'Touch n Go ' je.... tapi ur blog, selalunya I tinggal jejak...
hahaha...I hv been bloghopping since I cant remember when. I try to re-visit all the 'previously found' or 'in my list of interesting bloggers' at least once a day. When I'm 2 busy, I wld jus run tru w/o leaving a comment. But I try most of the time to leave at least a comment, once in 2 or 3 visits....that is if the blogger updates regularly hehehe
bila orang lelaki suka merayap...camane yek?
HeHeHe.. cutelah darling dah 'melekat' yek.. semoga terus melekat la yea!
thanks for making yourself visible. Nice to know that there's someone who actually reads these reflections..
kak elle,
I think it's a normal thing that bloggers experience. Ada yang takut (macam darling mula-mula dulu), ada yang segan... tak kisahlah, all welcome here!! don't you worry
I'm thinking, how are people obliged to visit your blog yang dah tutup kedai tu dek??It's ok, all understood, just making people pause a little and reflect. no big deal. at least not to me!
how true... I too have not been blog-hopping so religiously.
Haiya... You're always so kind with your words, U.Lee!! Ditto - enjoy your long fictional creations! Thanks for the good wishes.
jejak kasih ke? HeHeHe... kengkadang ada jugak nak tinggal komen tapi hang pulak, atau bila datang balik, kena telan pulak komen kita kan? thanks for sharing.
yes, i know what you mean. sometimes we have so many blogs to hop to, a quick read is all we can afford. errr... mine not very regularly updated. tengok mood la!
maklang malu nak masuk sini sebab ada utang...resepi roti...bilalah nak masukkan nih...very busy laa...
There're ways of checking/keeping track of those who visit our humble abode (and frequency of visits) but for me - I wouldn't wanna know. Scary! When I blog-hopping - I'll just read thru very fast -hoping that the background sleuth won't have much time to connect the dot to me - something like you put down the phone quickly so that the police wont catch you! I know, that's so lame...not to say stupid!
That quid pro quo thing - I'm guilty of that too - maintaining a small circle of blogger-friends not bcoz I'm sombong ke hape but that's all that I can handle! There's also the tendency of 'feeling like you know that person already so no need to leave comment lah..'
Hallo D.
Hope u are not badly affected by the terrible flood in UK. Yup, I like hopping to ur blog as it offers some forms of avenues to reflect and ponder about life in general. And I think so far I never fail to leave trail behind before leaving your blog. Good day!
I pun selalu buat ni.. hehhe tapi nasib baik you left comment in my blog masa you merayap2 kat sana.. heheheh.. itu pun because of the learning difference.. hehhe
Nice entry!!
That's me visiting ur blog. Hahaaaa
How'd Mr D? Regards to him from me and partner.
mak lang,
no sweat mak lang... kalau letak pun, entah bilalah nak buat! LOL!! Jangan serik...
HeHe.. Thanks for sharing. I'm just getting you guys to reflect. Nothing else. No sweat!
Long time no see! When you leave your trail, make sure it's not made of crumbs 'coz someone might gobble them all up! LOL.
I pun kaki merayap jugak, though not so much of Jin! HeHe.. Ada idea kita komen la yek, kalau tak de, tiptoe out gently... HaHAHa.
haiya... your small figure can't make much stomping, dear! But, I heard you! MrD is still recovering, Alhamdulillah.
d, saya pun selalu jugak jadi silent reader tapi macam mana u tahu ada ramai anon? Trace dari mana?
Kak lady pun kadang masuk blog kengkawan...tapi tak sempat nak komen...sebab kadang tak tau nak komen aper...akak plak tak pernah cek saper yang dtg blog akak tapi tak komen...hehehe...akak selalu mesti pergi ke blog yang meninggalkan jejak...kalau tak dpt hari2 sesekali pun okaylah...
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