I love painting but am always restricted to simple sketches. Give me a pen and paper, and I'll surely be doodling away.
For the past week, I've been doing some still-life drawing and painting. Yet, I wait for the children to be in bed before venturing with my paint and brush. It's difficult to concentrate and also to work when there are four nosy and curious children in front of you. Yes, they do have their own set of painting materials but mommy's is always better. Urghhhh....
In the past, I used to love working with acrylics as it is much easier to put down details. With acrylics, errors are easier to 'cover'. Today, I also enjoy watercolour - the pastel and casual mixtures of colour reflecting calm shades of life. It is, nonetheless, more difficult to handle, if compared to acrylics.
However, I am unable to put up my artwork here because: 1) I don't have a scanner, and 2) my camera is not capable of capturing the details a painting should portray. Hence, I am saved from this task because I am no professional. It is a hobby which needs more practice and studying.
Two weeks ago, I was crazy reading. This week, I've been drawing and painting. I wonder what it'll be next week or the following week. A friend commented that the lines and pages I write in my blog might perhaps be better converted to academic writing. *^&%$^#%@#!!. Replacing blogging with academic writing?? Pause to reflect...
Yup.. I also need to pause to reflect.. Have been writing my blog more frequent than writing my thesis!
p/s: you're a very talented person la! with all your cooking, reading, writing, and now, painting!
Wah..painting lak ye...
Now..now..don't deny yourself of little pleasures..
Just don't neglect/delay the utmost importance...
everyone has their own talents. tinggal lagi kena trial and error. Errr, you only know the good parts here because the gross ones are kept aside!! Heheheh..
yup, doc, you're spot on!!! the procrastinator in progress (bila lah nak buat the utmost importance ni???)
wahhh drawing and painting... memang tak de skill langsung saya nih.. Cat rumah suka lah...hihihi
come I take the photos for you.
Expected cost
A lifetime membership to top beauty and massage parlour in London (letih carry camera wooo), New index finger (right one if possible), one laser eye treatment (for sharper focusing on the subject), a new DSLR camera: body only pun tak pe; preferably Canon 1D, otherwise Nikon D80 can also.
Expected Payment
FREE portrait oil painting on canvas of the photographer and her family. And tolong babysit her children once in a while: The Mama and Babah want to go merayap lah.
Eh, GURAU je tau. how was "your afternoon"??
d...dulu when i was a teenager...kak lady memang minat drawing...i like to draw potraits...masa form 1-5...kak lady suka lukis wajah orang...tapi kak lady suka shading...tak pandai sgt guna colors....tapi masa dulu we all susah maner nak pi cari tempat belajar melukis kan...so bakat tu terus terkubur bersama usia & kesibukan rumah tangga...
tringat masa skolah menengah dulu, suka lukisan. sanggup drop agama sebab nak tuko amik lukisan. but masa SPM, my late dad dah warning tak boleh tukar any subject. alehai terpaksa le ikut je.
me suka tgk 1 of my fren melukis dengan hanya 1 color. for me she so talented, sebab lukisan dia mmg cantik but dunno what happened to her now.
ps: maybe 'd' boleh jd my teacher lak kutz :)
eemmm painting... dah berkurun tak buat bukan apa, tak pandai and tak minat tapi suka tengok lukisan dan siap komen lagi :P
Anak I yg #3 macam you hobi dia painting.... it's cool !!
terbalik la kita... i tak gemar sangat cat rumah sebab messy!!
which part yang gurau? part expected cost, expected payment or the offer? *grin*
kak lady,
saya pun lebih kurang je. sekolah saya dulu pun tak de offer art. masuk uni baru berpeluang. kalau ada minat, cubala sikit-sikit sebab kita ni orang melayu biasanya tak berapa berpeluang nak asah bakat yang ada (macamlah I ni berbakat sangat pun! HaHaHa!!!)
ooooooo... i may be able to teach you other things, but not art la! not an expert myself. amateur maa!!!
kalau boleh kritik tu kira ada artistic eye lah tu! mungkin anak #3 akak LAGI terrer dari saya lah! saya ni cakar ayam je...
hehehehe.. memalu lak..
btw i think i wanna ask u to teach me something else not art..
ps: otak a bit karat, so kena polish semula hehehe
ajar saya sama....takkan darling sorang jer;)
I'd love to see your paintings..
HaHaHa.. memang serious malu coz have nothing much to offer!!!(I may have mistakenly left a wrong impression - yikes!)
Ha, cepat! Mehla sini! kang cubit kang baru tau...(Hahahaha - takut ka?)
when I set up my gallery in London or Paris, I'll give my fellow-bloggers free tickets to the grand launching!!! (in my dreams la...)
semua gurau :) tapi i nak tengok your drawings. hehe busybody pulak!
Hi D, you really have to buy scanner or camera which can capture the most intimate details of ur paintings. I really wanna see them.
err, if you come to see it, you might not be able to differentiate Little D's work and mine. ahaks.. abstract gitu! LOL
scanner - maybe. camera? My MrD is considering but I am not keen to learn using it because then I'll end up with too much to handle! (selfish me, eh??)
pls..pls...pls...pretty pls.... let us see your painting la....
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