Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the day I almost lost everything

One sport I can rely on nowadays is swimming. It is not only a good form of exercise, but it is truly enjoyed by the whole family. What more, unlike tennis or badminton, you don't really need a partner for this sport.

I only learnt to swim properly when I was pregnant with my forth child. Mr D had learnt to swim much earlier. We also sent our twins for classes and finished them off at the advanced level. We were keen to send them for talent classes and coach them for competitions but the classes were too demanding on us - 2 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. It would mean such a commitment and restriction on our weekend activities. Furthermore, Twin H felt a little uneasy going for competitions. So, we have since frequented the pools as much as we could that we're almost labelled the water-lovers. Yeah, there was the snorkelling trip in Phuket and numerous beach trips all along the Malaysian coasts. Not forgetting, we even swam in the cold Mediterranean sea in Alexandria (in March) when no one else dared.

As both my husband and I love travelling, naturally, we have made trips to Taman Negara. The first time we went, Little D (my youngest) was still a toddler. It was a horrible experience going on the Canopy Walk with a toddler like such! Just imagine, ropes tied across trees resembling a tight rope, up high on the canopy. If you're afraid of heights, forget it! If you're not, you might as well be! Not forgetting, the jungle trekking was made rather strenuous with a baby to carry when he was tired. We had our maid along at that time but it would be unfair for her to carry the Little D all the time. So, we shared the responsibility and it was a load one can never forget!

I vowed that our next visit had to be at least 4 years after so that all the kids were big and old enough for such an expedition. However, we went back about a year later. We skipped the Canopy Walk this time. Furthermore, this time we were more familiar with the sites and opted for a swim at the river. The journey trekking down the river was a bit too tiring for Little D that he fell asleep in my arms. Trust him to do such thing! When we reached the site, MrD volunteered to look after Little D while I plunged into the cold water with the kids. The water was cold. My heroes were not too adventurous and stayed close to the bank. I held my Princess and we played in the water. I called to my boys and moved a little bit further. Suddenly, I lost my footing and fell into a deep pit or abyss. That was how it felt like - an abyss! Obviously, I panicked. I was falling in the water and it was dark all around. My Princess was in my hands. I lifted her up for air and tried to tread in the water. All my swimming lessons were gone in a flash. I couldn't swim with a child in my hands and I couldn't let her go. I somehow couldn't seem to tread in the water! All I could think of at that time was to swim and save my daughter. O Allah, I had to make sure she lived. I can't let her die with me, Allah. Let her have some air. I recalled what my husband used to say, "don't panic. When you panic, you lose a lot of energy and that's what drowns a person." There I was, trying to be as calm as possible, but nothing worked. My treading was not keeping us up. I pushed all my might up to the surface and tried to signal a wave. Then, there was darkness. Pitch darkness. Gravity was pulling me down and we had lost our energy.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me and brought me ashore. I held on to the person until I felt the land under my feet. A young Chinese couple nearby had helped us.

I trembled and shivered. I cried and wept. I performed my Sujud Syukur as we got back to our chalet. The experience was very bitter and scary for me. I was almost gone and I don't know how things would turn out today if it were my last day.


Mama Sarah said...

This story is too scary. I can't imagine losing loved ones like that. If only I could forbid you going near water again!

k.d said...

D, kasih seorang ibu tiada tandingannya. I'm glad you're still alive. And I'm sure you're a better swimmer now.

As for me...need to learn to swim..

Kaklong Syikin said...


mencemaskan!mendebarkan! alhamdulillah semuanya selamat.

trauma kejap tak ngan air ni?

Anonymous said...

Went through the same trauma @ 7 or 8 years old.

Sampai sekarang masih tak pandai berenang!

D said...

after that, we have gone to a few other rivers but they weren't as deep as the one in Taman Negara. More water-fall like. No, I don't think you can keep me away from water!

better swimmer? hmm... must probably swim more in 'real' water, instead of the pool!

kak long,
actually, tak de la trauma dengan air tapi memang tak de cerita dengan sesiapa pun episod ni sebab mengerikan...

hehehe... ada gak geng!

13may said...

hui...takut baca....
tapi kalau kejang dlm air...peh! lagi seksa...

D said...

13 may,
memang menyerah je la...

silversarina said...

Pengalaman ngeri , Alhamdulillah ada yang membantu.

Kiah Kardashian said...

Ambil kelas swim masa final sem dekat U. Tapi tak reti reti jugakkkk!!!!

takutnyer baca. Your daughter ingat tak the tragedy? Dia tak takut dengan air ker lepas tu

Anonymous said...

d, i went thru that with my husband and son. At that time, my son was only 2 and he was with my hubby.

alhamdulillah nothing happened to both of you and to mine, too because i know that some marriages cannot survive that kind of tragedy.

D said...

kuasa Allah, masih panjang umur kami!

rasanya in general, malaysians ni takut air - camane nak belajar swim, ye tak? Alhamdulillah she's ok.

it's a shame that some marriages cannot survive such tragedy. It's all Allah's will kan? nothing to do with marriage...

Anonymous said...

Been there once.. and it was terrible.. Walau apa pun, syukur kepada Ilahi kerana masih diberikan peluang... :)

aNIe said...

D...bergenang airmata kak lady membaca entry kali ni...ntah kenapa...naluri keibuan kita dpt merasa bagaimana sukarnya d berjuang untuk menyelamatkan princess....satu pengalaman yang pasti menjadi igauan ngeri buat d....

Syukur alhamdulillah...segalanya selamat...

Helena said...

D...cemas Helena baca entry D. Syukur you and child are safe.

There is a big difference between swimming in the pool and in real waters. Big difference.

I started to learn swimming 3 months before I sent my eldest for swimming classes. Although I can swim now, I rasa the purpose of me learning (to be able to help kids shud anything happen in the pool) went down the drain. I can only swim alone, nak safe orang tak boleh... hehe.

D said...

Ia ingatan dari Illahi untuk memperbaiki kehidupan dan menambah amalan.

kak lady,
masa saya baca cerita akak jatuh perigi masa kecik, saya teringat insiden ni.

tulah, rasanya kena ambik lifesaving classes la kan? but i bet there aren't any / many around.

IBU said...

Pheww... ngeri. Alhamdulillah you're all safe & sound now.

p/s Finally managed to write the weird things you tagged me sometime ago D. Enjoy ...

D said...

well done! thank you...

Ungku Nor said...


Mulan said...

alhamdulillah.. but scary yek.

D said...

kak ungku,
come one, speak up... I idup la!

Super-duper scary!

merapuman said...

hmmm, supposed to send my kids to swimming classes this year but my schedule is a bit tight. tak tahulah. but i still need them to know the basic as they love water very much. my daughter refers it so silly pool (instead of swimming pool).

your experience is really scarry. although i love outdoor activities very much (masa muda2 dula la - seperti berkayak di open sea) i tak pernah pun terlibat macam tu and selalu berdoa supaya dijauhkan.

Anonymous said...

hiiish... takut. i've got to get my self a swimming lesson! it's been on my head anyway. till now, at the age of quite-a-young-age ni, dah dua kali i got saved from drowning, two times.hey, i got one more left... then i'll be damn. yup, at least learn to swim, coz we'll never get to fly kan. but with the baby in your hands.... that's so not cool D.