Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Too cool? Too submissive? Too laid back? Too confident?

I don't know. My way of tackling problems is by bottling my emotions up and trying to deal with the situation the best I can. I trust in the Almighty and it's not that I'm not trying.

However, it has proven that when I talk to others, I'm made to realise that my problem is actually huge.

Time for some drastic actions now. Shhh... I've got my thinking hat on and my praying mat out. May Allah help me wriggle out of this in one piece.


Kak Teh said...

Insyaallah, whatever it is, you will fine solution when the sun rises. Everything seems huge when night falls.

Kak Elle said...

Insya'allah you can overcome it:)

maklang said...

Maklang doakan semuga nya semuanya terlerai dengan sebaik2nya...Allah bersama2 hambaNya yang selalu berdoa...Amin...

Unknown said...

You have made the right decision sis. Insya'Allah HE will guide you and find you the way out... let it be slowly but surely...

But, if you need an ear to listen to you, I'm all here for you, you know... anytime...

love and hugs, loads of 'em.

Anonymous said...

Salam Sis,
You're strong. I believe for whatever problem that's bothering you'll manage to handle it well, insyaallah.

Sofinee Harun said...

Ada satu kisah:

my father friends listen to a talk. he's got debt that reach million ringgit. He was so stress with so many problem. Than he listen to this:

satu hari, di satu negeri ada seorang raja bertitah kepada pembantunya, sediakan satu kenduri untuk rakyat jelata dengan satu syarat. Cuma orang yang tak ada masaalah sahaja yang boleh hadir ke majlis kenduri tersebut. MAka tak ada seorang pun yang dapat hadir sebab semua orang rupanya bermasaalah.

Maka my fathers friend, bila dengar ni pun kata, " ingatkan aku sorang ja yang ada masaalah".

anyway, doesn't matter big or small, problem is a problem. Sometimes it's small for us but big for others and vise versa.
Yang penting, as you did, and always did, berbalik pada Allah s.w.t. setiap masa dan ketika. Creation cannot do anything without help from Creator.

Think about country in war such as iraq, afganistan and palestin. Who lost almost entire family. Sometimes leave one kids alone in the family. They had nothing anymore rather and how thankful that at least we don't struggle to find water and food.

Think about how all these people feel, than we feel glad as our problem might not be as big as others.

sherry said...


Semuga dipermudahkan allah dalam segala urusan.

Kadang-kadang 'diam' itu lebih baik daripada banyak berkata-kata tanpa usaha. Diam tidak bermakna menyerah atau berputus asa .Tetapi kadang-kadang 'diam' itu akan memberi lebih banyak masalah dan malapetaka, Bersuara supaya didengari, meluahkan supaya dapat berkongsi maklumat, sempadan dan garis panduan untuk meneruskan perjalanan.

...peringatan ini juga buat diri saya yang sedang gundah dan resah.

Hati gundah banyak berkata
Gelisah,resah mencengkam jiwa
Bergelak ketawa dusta semata
Pedih di dalam Allah jua yang tahu
Tidak juga berlalu...