Mr D was given a syringe driver up his arm which functions better than the oral doses of morphine and anti-sickness pills. This happened yesterday evening (Thursday), with the help from the Macmillan nurse and district nurses. Ever since, he has been more comfortable - no more pains in the back and only once vomitting by this morning.
I am here with a quickie - to update concerned friends from afar. I know some may have tried to get in touch in me earlier today when I was at the hospital but the battery to my mobile went flat. FINALLY, the doctor had another ultra-sound and discovered that there's fluid in Mr D's tummy. Unfortunately, Mr D's blood needs some supply of Vitamin K (through drips) in order to have the fluid drained. Hence, he is admitted in the hospital tonight. Hopefully, things will be better so that he can come home tomorrow.
I'm off from work this week because it is term-break and initially thought that this would be the time to catch up with everything that's been on hold. However, this is also the time used caring for and being with Mr D. Mind you, term-break also means school holidays. Imagine a house filled with four bored children who try to amuse themselves with screaming, shouting, running, crying, singing and fighting.
In between juggling all these, I am also reading a book sent by my dear sis: Don't be Sad, by 'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. I like the book because it strengthens my own belief and principles in this life as a Muslim.
It isn't easy managing a cancer patient, just like those who have gone through often say. The mixture of pain and emotion that he is experiencing is made worst with the effect of drugs. Only in the Almighty do we seek assistance...
ps: In the next entry, I hope to put up my dear's latest picture.
Banyak2 bersabar dan berdoa D...moga2 Allah memberi D kekuatan untuk menempuh dugaan yang amat berat ini...
Doa maklang sentiasa bersama D sekeluarga...
Take care...
Alang kirim salam
Hi D, just caught up with the news on your blog. My thoughts are with you. Take care.
salam D, i bumped into ur site. i read a few recent entries. here's another stranger saying take care n be strong for urself and family. peace.
D...just to say, i am here and i am with you, HAZLI and ur children.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Zainal and Arina sampaikan salam - mereka telah pulang ke malaysia sebaik saja Zainal di bebaskan.
d my hugs for you and persevere and there's more to come..I went through it before for my arwah bro.
It is not easy to manage like you say...that is why lots of people can't understand why u still want to be foreign country..Doesn't matter how good or advance other country are..being in UK for a long time....I'm feel sorry for your decision ..sorry for your small children. You don't know what you putting you and your children into..sorry for a harsh word..BUT..I just can't understand why you so scared to go back to malaysia..our beloved country.
TAke care D. even facing with the tiniest problem in the world pun, have mixture of pain and emotion, i believe, the moment you cry it out to seek Allah's guidance, is the sweetest moment ever, the feeling of being so close to the creator... stay strong. dan juga doa saya buat D sekeluarga. Especially for you and hubby.
-take care-
-southwest mom-
I am sure MrD and D both have their own reasons for staying on here. We must all respect their decisions and if possible, give them support in any shape or form. 'Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul..'. MrD is too weak to even contemplate a 13 hour flight to KL. So please readers, make lots of doa, and may Allah given them lots of strength in this difficult time. prayers will always be with you and the family. I've been reading and a lot of time I have to hold back my tears. It just reminded me to the time when we went through the similar experience with my BIL, though I didn't blog much about it as I was not sure the arwah would like it. I mentioned to my hubby about Mr D and a bit about the district nurses who come to your home daily. Can't help it but to wish that we had that here. Imagine my BIL was always left alone at home when we go to work. Now, I understand more why you chose to stay there. You are a strong woman and that reminds me of how hubby's family handled the situation with BIL...*hugs*
Salam D,
"Don't Be Sad or originally "LA TAHZAN" is a very good book to lift up your spirit. I believe you'll gain more strength.. insyaAllah..
Salam from us
we have been informed by your sis and brother in law in Kuching of your husband condition . Bersabar atas segala cubaan . I just sent Ust hashim your brother inlaw this morning to airport - on the way to Birmingham. Our doa with Mr D.
from Hj Man & family Kuching Sarawak
Sunday 28
Salam from us
we have been informed by your sis and brother in law in Kuching of your husband condition . Bersabar atas segala cubaan . I just sent Ust hashim your brother inlaw this morning to airport - on the way to Birmingham. Our doa with Mr D.
from Hj Man & family Kuching Sarawak
Sunday 28
28 October 2007 15:02:00 +01:00
dear D,
No matter what other people think and say,have the faith to decide what is best for Mr D and and the strength to uphold the decision. Ingat, "sesiapa yg bertaqwa kpd Allah, maka Allah akan memberinya jalan keluar dr segala kesulitan.Dan Allah akan memberi rezeki yang tidak terkira. Sesiapa yg bertawakkal kpd Allah, maka Allah akan memeliharanya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusanNya. Sesungguhnya Allah lah yang menentukan qada and qadar bagi setiap sesuatu.
Jaga diri
d, i waz ere!
take care n keep posted.
my prayers with you & mr d foremost!
there's another book, "hikmah di sebalik dugaan"...
semua yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..
D, takziah..
moga kehilangan ini akan buat u lebih tabah..
- alfatihah -
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