Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's Snowing...

We've been listening to the weatherforecast and believing that it'll snow today. So, when I got up this morning, the first thing I did was look out the window. And of course, that got everyone out of bed!

Apparently, it started snowing at about 5 am. Most schools are closed and people are advised to stay off the roads to avoid traffic and accident. Still, we went for a drive with the kids. Down to our usual hangout - the park where we loyally fed the swans and ducks (despite the signs saying "DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS"!!!!).

The man who religiously fed the birds daily was already there with his big bag.

The park was deserted. No one was crazy enough to play on the swings when it was snowing. Guess we're among the few crazy ones!

The twins had the most fun playing in the snow and never seemed to have enough of it, exclaiming, "This is what I mean by fun!!". On the other hand, my princess and little one have had enough of the cold. "I want to go home!!"

Princess crying because it was too cold for her!

Back at home, the kids (with the help from their mommy of course) made this 1.5 feet snowbaby. Perhaps we'll make a snowman in the evening if it doesn't stop snowing. Or maybe the snowbaby will grow into a snowman on its own! We tried sticking a carrot in its face but it would stay. I abandoned the snow-fun because my feet were already numb. The twins looked for pebbles to make the eyes but they were all buried under the snow. So, they were creative enough to use milkcaps for the eyes. And, when I looked out the window later, they had stuck two pieces of branch as hands for the snowbaby.

After some hot chocolate and lasagne (from the neighbour across the street - in return for the bread n butter pudding i gave them yesterday!), the two younger ones were game for some fun in the snow. After some snowball fights and fun just lying on the snow (yeah, trust my twins to do ANYTHING!), everyone retired into the house, warming up next to the heater.

According to the news, the Midlands and Wales have been hit with the worst snow. Even Scotland's not snowing. Strange, eh?? When I was in Scotland many, many years ago, it was cold ALL the time and the worst snow hit was when we first arrived. That was great fun!

There's something I've been wanting to do with snow so I'll have to key off now... Anyone wants to join us??


Mama Sarah said...

ehhh!!! syoknya! unfortunately babah has to go to work. ambik gambar around our house aje. huhuhu :(

k.d said...

Baru le seronok ye snow gini. Kat sini Dublin city the snow melted but at my nursing home punya area the grounds were covered with snow. Wish I can bring my kids up there and play.

Anonymous said...

:) so nice!

and the snowbaby looks so gorjess - with the blue eyes.

Kaklong Syikin said...


alamak...lenkali dtg lagi, alia menangis plak..

Ajzie said...

wahh best2..dah ada snow yea...Seronok anak2 main kan, but must make sure baju2 cukup tebal kan..coz kalau anak dah flu..lagi kesian..